Now of course there was the Battle of the Bands which was delayed but was cool. Out of all the crews that performed (Room500, Clear Soul Forces, Freshmen and Tru Great Lakers) TGL won. There was also sneaker raffles and a battle at the end of the show. Last but not Pac Div performed a couple of their songs such as "Pac Div" and "Shine" and others. Cool folks by the way.
Now I'm pretty sure you all would like some visuals, enjoy.
Photos by @Rowe;
I was also able to have the pleasure of interviewing Like from Pac Div.
Note: This is a paraphrased interview
because it was spur of the moment and I don't have a bare with
Besides I only asked him like, five questions.
Me: Do you enjoy being in Detroit?
Like (Pac Div): When I'm in Detroit I've always felt like I've been home. I respected J.Dilla. (He said something about Beat Tapes, damn my memory). Royce, Eminem, I'm pro Detroit. Felt like my soul was here.
Me: How was the Air Up There, here, at Bob's?
Like (Pac Div): It was live, I didn't know what to expect.
Me: Random ass question...What kind of ice cream do you like?
Like (Pac Div): I like cookies and cream, but I also enjoy butter pecan.
Me: Mixed?
Like (Pac Div): Naw, if I had an ice cream cone or a bowl, I would have a scoop of each.
Me: Whenever you're here in Detroit are there any places that you've been to before that became a favorite whether its a restaurant, hotel or...? (BTW.I wasn't trying to be a creepo
Like (Pac Div): I haven't be everywhere in Detroit to fully answer that question. We're always in the studio working on music, then sleep.
Me: I KNOW that you all have a new project, so do we have anything to look forward to?
Like (Pac Div): Look out for something in November, entitled "Mania!"...Don't forget to add the explanation point.
I introduced him to Coney Island.
He loved it.